My name is John Davy and this podcast was started as a way for me to get my thoughts out on how to take advantage of the opportunities in tech.

As a tech instructor, I ‘ve seen tech change so many lives for the better. Usually through jobs, but also through business moves.

The hunger for success is out there, and I know this because people hit me up all the time for advice.

I can barely get back to people because I’m usually locked in with my current role, family, skilling-up, business, etc.

TEK or DIE is my way of giving my advice to as many people as efficiently as possible.

If you want to know all the little jewels and gems about how people are getting into tech and making bank, then this podcast is for you.

If you like hearing from industry experts about what it’s like to work at some of these tech jobs, then this podcast is for you.

If you like an occasional good tech story, with some music you can vibe to, then this podcast is for you. 

If you’re still reading this, then this podcast is for you.

Update your mindset, and capture success.

If you have any other questions about jobs, exams, bootcamps, or whatever, send me an email here.