Firewall Configuration Examples for Beginners

Firewall Configuration Examples for Beginners

Firewalls are a fundamental component of network security. Understanding how Access Control Lists (ACLs) work is crucial for aspiring cybersecurity professionals. 

In this review, I will delve into five ACL configurations commonly used by network administrators to implement secure network designs. Let's explore how these configurations aid in enforcing security policies while protecting against unauthorized access and potential threats.

Before I get into the configurations, here’s a quick cheat sheet I put together just in case you’re not familiar with all the terms listed in the configurations below.

  • Access-list: Rules that control network traffic based on defined criteria.
  • Permit: Allows specific network traffic to pass through.
  • EQ: Specifies an exact match for a port number.
  • Any: Represents any source or destination IP address.
  • TCP: Protocol for reliable and connection-oriented data transmission.
  • UDP: Protocol for connectionless and fast data transmission.
  • Deny: Blocks or disallows specific network traffic.


5 Firewall Configuration Examples

1. Permitting Specific IP Address:

When network administrators want to allow traffic from a specific IP address or subnet, they can use ACLs to permit traffic to and from that particular network. For example, using the command... 

access-list 101 permit ip any 

allows all IP traffic from the source network This configuration ensures connectivity while restricting access from other networks, promoting a more secure network design.

2. Denying a Specific Port:

To bolster network security, network administrators often need to block specific ports to prevent unauthorized access. By employing ACLs, administrators can deny traffic to and from specific ports. For instance, the command..

access-list 102 deny tcp any any eq 22 

denies TCP traffic on port 22 (SSH), blocking unauthorized SSH access attempts. This configuration adds an extra layer of protection to critical systems.

3. Allowing Specific Services:

Network administrators must balance security with accessibility. ACLs enable administrators to permit only the necessary services and protocols. By using a command like...

access-list 103 permit tcp any host eq 80 

administrators can allow TCP traffic specifically to the destination IP address on port 80 (HTTP). This configuration ensures that external users can access a web server while restricting traffic to other services.

4. Blocking Specific Protocol:

Certain protocols may pose security risks if left unrestricted. Network administrators can utilize ACLs to block specific protocols or ports associated with known vulnerabilities. For example...

access-list 104 deny udp any any eq 69 

denies UDP traffic on port 69 (TFTP), preventing unauthorized file transfers. By implementing this configuration, administrators can mitigate potential security threats and enhance network security.

5. Allowing ICMP Echo (Ping) Requests:

While ICMP echo (ping) requests are useful for network troubleshooting, they can also be exploited by attackers. Network administrators can permit ICMP echo requests selectively using ACLs. For instance...

access-list 105 permit icmp any any echo 

allows ping requests from any source to any destination. By implementing this configuration, administrators can retain the ability to troubleshoot connectivity while limiting potential attack vectors.

Pro Tip

You can practice firewall configurations with Packet Tracer, a free virtual network simulation tool. Experiment with ACLs, define rules, and simulate network traffic. Gain hands-on experience and enhance your network security skills.



Understanding firewall ACL configurations is vital for network administrators aspiring to create secure network designs. The examples discussed in this blog post demonstrate how ACLs can be leveraged to permit or deny specific types of traffic based on various criteria, such as source, destination, protocol, and port.

By implementing these configurations, network administrators can enforce security policies, control access to network resources, and protect against unauthorized access and potential threats.

Remember, a well-designed network security strategy requires a thoughtful implementation of ACLs in line with an organization's specific needs and security objectives.