Pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam in 12 Days
March 16, 2022

Pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam in 12 Days

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In this episode, I go over the resources, tools, and study techniques I used to pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam in 12 days. 

Hopefully my experience will show you some new resources, tools, and study techniques you can use to study for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam that works for you.

Here are all the links to the resources mentioned in this episode.

This is the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Guide.

Here is the AWS Whitepaper called: “The Overview of Amazon Web Services”. 

This is the 2nd AWS whitepaper called “How AWS Pricing Works”. 

I recommend you use the Quizlet app and website for your flashcards. 

Here is the AWS “Compare AWS Support Plans” page.

This is the self-paced AWS video course that goes over in detail about everything you need to know.

The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exams  


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